Sunday, May 1, 2011

6rf67ukhm y 7byyyujk, (This is how Mr. Breydon would title this post...)

This has been the longest weekend of. my. life. Honestly! I am an introvert, so sitting in a classroom from 8-5 every day this weekend with a bunch of people I dont really know, was EXHAUSTING!! But, now I am certified in search and rescue, triage management, first aid, and extinguishing smallish fires. Good thing.

Tomorrow is Mr. Breydon's bi-monthly cardiologist appointment. Im not nervous for it, because usually they are boring. Yes- my son's heart is still doing something weird, NO- we arent going to increase his medicine... and Yes- he is getting another EKG. And those SUCK because he wont sit still long enough to get a good reading. So it takes a year to do. And he grabs the wires and rips the leads off, so its like a never ending test.


A quick note from Breydon:
';mmkj lhu es cv ?              l.savvvvvvvvzhj tbbbbbbbbbcxgdfc              

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