Thursday, June 30, 2011


Tomorrow is our last day on the beach. Its been a GREAT week! Breydon has been WONDERFUL! I cannot complain one bit. He was PERFECT in the car, he's been PERFECT on the beach, perfect everything. And to think I was nervous????!! I feel like a loon! Ill add pictures later, Im waiting to put them on the computer till the week is over, but don't worry. I wont forget! Michael, Breydon and I held an alligator today at Fudpuckers. Mostly Michael held it. We got a picture of it, but unfortunately its just one that they printed for us. Im thinking that once we are home Ill scan it and see if I can get the quality good enough to reproduce. It should work.

Im looking forward to getting home though, to things familiar, and to my nice and cool king sized bed. Going from a king to a double is killer. Especially when your husband is 6'6". Ive been SOO incredibly worn out in the evenings so when I lay down, Im usually out. So thats a good thing.

More later. See you soon!

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! ;)

Monday, June 20, 2011


Breydon was TEN months old on Sunday. Cliche, I know, but where has the time gone?  Seems like just yesterday that I was laying in the delivery room, waiting, holding my breath until I knew he could breathe.

Seems like just yesterday they handed him to me and then took him away. I hardly had time to kiss him.

 Seems like just yesterday that they told me that I could finally bring him home, and I was so proud of him.

I forget how hard it was to see him with all the wires. And the alarms. And every night when I was leaving, I would pray that God would keep him alive for me until I was able to come back. And before I left his room, EVERY time, I waited for his stats to go back up to where I felt comfortable leaving.

Now he's sitting next to me eating macaroni, making a mess, being big, like nothing ever happened.
I tell myself that if I had to do it a second time, have a NICU baby, that it would be easier because I would know what things were and I would know the answer to all of my "scared mommy" questions. But I dont know if thats true. Its scary just because the person you created, and love most in the world is helpess and sick. And theres nothing a mommy can do, even tho every instict in my body says differently. I wouldnt take ANY of it back, or have done anything differently, because otherwise I wouldnt have Breydon. But I pray to God that I don't have to do that again.

Sorry- I wasnt planning on writing about that. I wanted to write about Mr. Breydon's first kiss!!
Theres a little girl in the nursery with Breydon, and her name is Baylee. Shes a little over a year old, but the same size as Brey. When I took Breydon into the nursery on Sunday, I sat him down in the middle of a gazillion toys. Baylee walked up to him, and he looked up at her. She patted him on the head and smiled at him. He just looked at her. She sat down next to him, then she gave him a big kiss. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... Breydon attempted to pull her hair. It was the cutest thing ever! Michaels going to have to work with him on how to treat ladies... and how to get them to like you... when hes about 16 years older. ;) He's going to be a heartbreaker alright!

This is the only shot I could get, because I was trying to intercept hair pulling, which was about to happen again in this picture...

And then, another thing that is worth talking about is that Michael got me and Breydon a new car to drive around in!! I LOVEEEEE it! Its much more roomy than the cobalt. I loved the cobalt, but it wasnt very practical with the carseat, and thinking long term.

And this picture is just for fun, because he looks so grown up!

K thats all! I probably wont write again untill vacation... so wish us luck!! We might need it... ;)

Friday, June 10, 2011


For the last 2 nights, Mr. Breydon has stayed in his bed ALL night long! Its been wonderful. Ever since we put him in the nursery to sleep, he would fall asleep in his crib around 8, and then around 1 or 2 in the morning he would wake up and Michael would end up putting him in bed with us. The last few nights, we have put him to bed at 8 like normal, and instead of getting him out and rocking him when he wakes up, we have been waiting and letting him have a chance to put himself back to sleep first. AND ITS WORRRRRRRRRRRRRKING!!! :) I just layed him down for a nap perfectly awake, but I knew he was tired. He whined for like, 20 minutes, and now hes fast asleep. How lovely. :) Sooooooo much easier.

Breydons second bottom tooth is coming in! Its weird because one day Ill be able to see the corner of it, and the next day it wont be there. Its been doing this for a few days now. I wish that it would just stay through next time it comes. This little tooth seems to be bothering him more than the others.

VACATION IS IN 2 WEEKS! Im so excited. I havent been to Florida in a while, usually we go to North Carolina. It will be ncie to have my whole family together on the beach like the good old days. Im a little nervous tho about having a 10 month old on the beach. I'm okay with the fact thats hes going to eat sand... and that hes going to be a sandy and slimy mess... and im okay with the fact that im going to tan in splotches because his sunscreen rubs off on me, and I dont use sunscreen ((I know I should... )). But I am worried about him refusing to take naps on the beach... and Im worried about him throwing fits every night when we are out to dinner because he's sleepy... mostly Im worried about the 15 hour car ride. Hes always done really really well with road trips, just playing quietly to himself, or sleeping... but not that hes mobile, Im worried that hes going to want to be moving around and going going going. LOL. Im sure it will be fine. Hes a really good baby. Im just going to have to be on my A-game 100% of the time. I need to be thinking WAAAY ahead to take all possible preventitive measures. :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

best. wedding. ever.

Its June. Which means that its wedding season! And this is especially exciting this year, because our friends got married on Saturday!

I met Matt at church my freshman year in college. So about 4 years ago. He was in Warsaw every other semester interning at a local company, and then going to school at Purdue the other semesters. While he WASNT in Warsaw entertaining me and Jenna, he was back in Lafayette, falling in love with Emily!!! :D

Their wedding was absolutely beautiful!!! The ceremony went perfectly, Emily looked completely radiant, and Matthew was the nervous groom, as grooms should be ((When brides walk down the isle, as beautiful as they are, I love to look at the groom. The look on their faces says EVERYTHING)).


Right as they were finishing up, the sky to the north was looking very dark and we were starting to hear thunder. It was kind of romantic... a lightening storm off in the distance. I LOVED it. But then I absolutely love storms. I have to say, that I was slightly jealous. ;) After the ceremony we went through e pretty round barn, and into the tent where the reception would be held. As we were getting seated it started raining. Nothing big- Just rain. To make a long story short... a big storm came through and was threatening to blow the tent away. I will never ever forget the picture of a bunch of men, holding the poles of the tent to the ground. ;)

The toasts had just begun, Emilys sister was probably like, halfway through saying what she had to say and the DJ told us that we had to evacuate the tent. So all... 300? of us got up and made our way to the barn. We huddled together in there, and literally, no longer than 2 minutes later the tent collapsed. The rain appeared to be falling sideways. People were grouped up praying together, and one section of people was even singing Amazing Grace. It was neat to see/hear. The power went out shortly after that... and then someone decided that sicne the tent was collapsed, and the DJ's equipment was underneath the tent, that the reception was over. Michael and Jenna and I eventually ran in the pouring rain to the car. We were absolutley soaked, and I loved every. single. minute. of this wedding.

I was thinking about it today and their wedding was kinda true to what marriage is like in real life. Michael and I did not plan on having a baby exactly 8 months after we said "I do". But it happened. We didnt plan on a lot of things in our marriage. But God did. And God's idea of how things should go, is ALWAYS more sweeter and much more memorable than anything that we could ever plan on our own. It would have been ideal for things to go smoothly, and without a hitch. But seriously. How memorable of a day will this day be for them?! So much fun.

Congratualtions Matt and Emily Munsterman!!!

 The happy couple!
 Another happy couple. ;)
Jenna and I lived together for 2 years? And we've known each other for... 13 years?? And we have taken HOW MANY PICTURES over those years? This one is by far my favorite. Love you Bean! If you ever need me to sing you the "Its Okay" song again, just let me know!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


9 Month Appt

Mr. Breydon had his 9 month check up yesterday. He didn't have to get shots, so that was really nice. We got all the good news without the crying and screaming. ;) His weight is in the 75th %, His head was in the 60th %, and his length was 50th %.