Friday, August 26, 2011

Breydon's 1 Year Check-Up

Its was an odd day from the beginning.

Every morning, around 6:30, Breydon is up for the day. Michael has to be up at 7 anyway, so he usually gets up with him and gives hims breakfast and gets him entertained with whatever is on Playhouse Disney. I get a little more time to sleep. So usually around 7:30 when Mike leaves, I get up and take over with Brey. Well this morning as SOON as I got up, Breydon was ready for a nap. Only an hour after waking up for the day. So I layed him down, and he slept for 2 and a half hours. On a normal day, he will take a nap at nine, and get up around ten. So it was weird from the start. My sister came to watch him today while I was in class, and he took another short nap for her! Must have not slept well alst night or something.

We went to his appointment, and all was well. He was 23.12 pounds, and 30 inches long. They didnt give me exact numbers, but his height was in the 50th percentile, and his weight was in the 60th. I dont remember his head measurment, but it was in the 80th percentile. ;) The doctor came in, and asked me a bunch of questions, like... can he walk, does he point, is he on whole milk, is he eating table food ect. I laughed when he asked me if Breydon could stack blocks. Im sure he could stack blocks if he wanted to, but to Breydon, blocks of all types are hammers. I couldnt picture him sitting nicely with blocks and stacking them. Just made me chuckle. :D

So he got his 3 shots... (did you know that they have a vaccine for chicken pox now?? I didnt- until today!) and then they gave me an order to have bloodwork done in the next 2-3 weeks. I figured that it would be better to give him ONE bad day, instead of a few of them (He's got a flu shot next month sometime too). So we went and did that today. Poor kid didnt have a very good time at the doctors offices today. :(

You can see the 3 band-aides on his legs, and the one on his arm where they drew the vile of blood. He was a trooper today!
After a while of playing with toys, and a good hour nap, we had dinner. Spaghetti and chocolate cake make everything MUCH better. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Birthday Stuff, and Second baby stuff

I don't think Im going to be all emotional when I write this time. Breydon's first birthday has come and gone sucessfully. He had a fun time at the zoo on his actual birthday... and then a good party the day after with lots of friends, family, presents, cake and good food! ;) I always pictured him suddenly seeming older when he turned one. But, he still feels and acts like my little baby boy. Here are some pictures of the big party. The rest are on my facebook in his birthday album.

We still have one little party left to go, but SO FAR, this has been the most liked birthday present. :) The night that Mike's parents gave it to him, he was SO excited and threw a fit when it was time to come out. We let him stay, and he eventually fell asleep in it. What a great end to a first birthday. :)

Just playin' at his party. Naked of course.

Breydon with his stack of gifts!

Brave parents, getting right in the middle of the action for a kiss

Our little smurf

And then today, I had an appointment with Dr. Wheeler, and got poked and all that good stuff. But we saw Breydon's NICU window from afar. That was sad. But also happy, because he was right there with me, happy and smiling. And perfectly healthy.  This baby is looking good too! Heart rate of 174 today.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Breydon's 1 year appointment was SUPPOSED to be tomorrow (Monday the 15th) but... they called Friday and asked us to reschedule it, because they couldnt give him his shots 4 days before his birthday. It had to be before or after. Sounds silly to me. So we moved it. I dont remember the date, but luckily its on the calendar. :)

I cannot wait for September 24th. It couldnt come fast enough! (Thats when we find out the gender of this baby!) Im the most impatient person in the world, so we are doing an ultrasound at a private place in St. John, Indiana. Then we will still get our regular anatomy ultrasound with Dr. Wheeler about a month later.

I think we may have figured out the names. Maaaaaaaybe. Obviously nothing is set in stone till the baby is here. But we have had Nolan picked for a little boy for a few weeks now. We both like and and agree on it. So hopefully it stays around for a while. Then we have Alison picked for a girl. Ali. I like it, Mike likes it, it fits with the other names in our family. So hopefully it sticks around too.

Mikes been telling me that this baby is a girl since day one. Not sure if thats wishful thinking on his part, or if he's got all the "mommy's intuition" in this family. He was right about Breydon, and I wasnt, so who knows! I kinda want a brother for Breydon, but don't REALLY care. I think its another boy. We shall see!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

On Monday, Breydon had an appointment with Dr. Ghazali- his cardiologist. Originally they were going to take him off of his heart medicine this month, but since his medicine got increased last time we were there, he is still taking it. His next appointment is in November, and they are planning on discontinuing his medicine then. His heart rate has been anywhere between 96 and 130 BPM. The 130 seemed high to me, but he wasnt worried about it. Breydon also gets another Echo in November to check on the hole in his heart. Hopefully its closed, because I dont want to think about heart surgery. And Im hoping that if its NOT closed in November, that Dr. Ghazali will give it more time to close before they discuss alternatives.

But, it was pretty uneventful. The EKG was interesting, as always, since Breydon has to be laying perfectly still, and Breydon doesnt WANT to lay perfectly still. ;) He weighs 23.12 pounds, and is 29.5 inches long. Kinda short still.

He has his 1 year doctors appointment on the 15th, so Ill have his 'official' 1 year stats then. :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The BEST invention

You might have to turn your volume way up. But that whooshing you hear is baby #2's heart beating.
Yeah... thats definately not MY heartbeat! ;)

Monday, August 1, 2011


This is my baby. It was behaving really well... growing like it should and stuff. It may not look like it, but it is quite bigger than it was a week and a half ago. Im proud. ;)

I went for a different reason (my regular appt isnt until Aug 22) but when I was there she tried to find the baby on the abdominal doppler and couldnt because the baby is still a little too small. So she decided to have me do a quick abdominal ultrasound, (thats why the quality isnt as good as the last ones) and so we got a few more little pictures of baby #2. Heart rate at 8.6 weeks was 189. Perfect.

Of course, I can't forget this baby who ALREADY has my heart...

He likes to drink big drinks

Whining about something. Prlly cuz I was taking a picture with the iPhone, instead of letting him hold it.

He LOVES rice.

Here's both my boys, taking a nap together. :)