Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Perfect, Hairy Baby.

We went up to Ft. Wayne today for another check up. We had another Bio Physical Profile done on Breydon (this was the test they did in the end of July that he scored a 6/10 on). I'm assuming that he did better this time, because they didn't wisk us away to labor/delivery like the last time. :) The Tech said he looks amazing and healthy. He is measuring right with his gestational age, and he weighs 4 pounds 9 ounces. I was skeptical about wether or not that was accurate, just by measuring his bones, so I asked. She said that they are usually within a few ounces either way. So Im happy that it looks like we have a 4 pound-ish baby already!! The nurse was laughing about the fact that its maybe a good thing we aren't going full term, since he's already to that weight. I asked that the ultrasound tech take a picture of his hair when they were doing the test... there's even MORE of it than the last time we saw it!! And she said that it went all around his head. HAH! I love that. It makes me verrry happy. :) Just watch him be born bald after all this fuss about his hair.

We go back to Dr. Wheeler on Friday. The midwife I saw today put me on bed rest. Official bed rest. The kind where I can only lay and get up to go to the bathroom. Im not thrilled about that much at all... but hopefully when I see Dr. Wheeler on Friday, HE will tell me that I can go back to doing my normal "modified" bed rest, which meant that I could go places, just not be real active. But as of right now, Im couch or bed ridden. The midwife told us that Dr. Wheeler will probably schedule an induction date Friday, for the following week, or he'll have me come back next week and schedule it then. Either way, it looks like we are getting close to having an induction date set, which makes me very happy. I like to plan and know there's an end in sight. :) Looks like there is!

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