Monday, February 14, 2011

I was remembering today how afraid of Breydon I used to be. He was always hooked up to his monitor, he'd cough and gasp for air when he would eat because he was so uncoordinated... and now he's on stage 2 solids eating from a spoon like a big boy. I'm amazed at how far he has come- how far we ALL have come.

He still has his monitor... unfortunately, he hasn't had two months in a row without an epidose. He's had 2 clean months, but they werent consecutive. And he's had two episodes this month, so that means the absolute EARLIEST he could have it off is mid May. But Im not holding my breath... he's probably going to be wearing it until he is 8.

Breydon has been so. incredibly. grumpy. for the last few weeks... and I finally have an answer as to why. Until recently he hasnt had any physical signs of teeth. I just wondered. But I can now see two little white bumps on his top gums. It looks like he may be getting his first 2 teeth shortly (One can hope!!)! Thank goodness for Tylenol. Its a lifesaver.

As far as developmental milestones... Im thinking hes a little bit behind where he should be based on his actual age. He's not rolling in either direction, and hes not really pushing up with his hands (the push-up position). He absolutely hates being on his belly. He can however, sit up for a few seconds unassisted, and he can stand holding onto a railing (if I put him there). He has very strong legs. He's grabbing with his hands and has a ton more coordination that he did before. He used to just swat at things, but he has the control now to grab them and try to get them into his mouth. He has a parrot on his play mat that he always tries to eat, and gets royally ticked off when he cant get it to his mouth. We had to put it on a few extra links so that he could get it to his mouth. He's also discovered that he can make noise. He likes to have conversations with you... and if he gets excited, the conversation turns into more of a happy yell. I think he'll be an early talked for sure. :)

His 6 month check up is next week so Ill update about that after it happens.

. mngt                                                                                       gbvhv                                                                                    fbvhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggggvvhcccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh                                          cccccccccccccccccccccxdsevc cxvxx

((from Breydon)) :D

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