Saturday, October 8, 2011

8 Ounce Girl

Alison is perfect. My OBGYN says so. :) Perfect little brain, heart, face and limbs. :) All 8 ounces of her.
Here are some pictures of her from Wednesday's ultrasound:


Arrow pointing to the "girl parts".

3-D of her with her arm up by her face.

This is my favorite of the bunch- except she looks sad :(

Pretty girl. And excuse my finger. ;)
And then Breydon gave us a good scare on Sunday. In a nutshell- he was in SVT for what we think was just a few minutes. We called his doctor, and took him in to the office on Tuesday. They did an Echo of his heart- and the hole that was there is half the size it was last December. So thats good. All he needs to fix his high heartrate is to increase his medicine. He was taking 3mL x2 a day, then they increased it to 3.3mL x2 a day. But, since Tuesday we have noticed this his heartrate hasnt been in the target range. Its still been too high. Not SVT, but not what it should be. Im going to give the medicine until Monday, and then Ill call and tell the doctor that its not working. But hes fine! We carved pumpkins today and he was more interested in rocks than anything else. Typical. :)