Thursday, May 3, 2012

So Hey! Its been a while...

Well, Alison is here! She's between 3 and 4 months old. She is rolling from her belly to her back, and already has quite the opinion on how life should be for her. Quite the feisty little thing! It seems like forever since she was born, and Im afraid that Ive forgotten maybe some of the minor details about her birth story, but here is her birth story!

January 16th-
After a long 5 days of absolute bedrest, Michael and I went up to Ft. Wayne to see Dr. Wheeler. We did the normal routine, look at the baby, pee in a cup, ect. My blood pressure was really high (whats new?). Except this time instead of telling me to schedule an appointment in a few days, he asked us to meet him in his office. There, he told us that at the point my body was at, it was very risky to remain pregnant. He said my blood pressure was high enough that we were at risk of placental abruption, it was causing me bloody noses, seeing spots, spilling protein (meaning my kidneys werent working well) and my blood screen was showing that other organs were starting to be affected by the pregnancy too. He told us that he wanted us to go home and get our things together, find someone to watch Breydon, and then come back that afternoon to deliver. I was sobbing, not wanting another preemie, not wanting her to struggle, not wanting to leave Breydon for 2 weeks while I stayed in Ft. Wayne. Feeling like a failure for not being able to protect my baby like I should have been able to do... but also knowing that in order for her to have a mommy around to raise her, the delivery needed to happen. We went home, got our stuff together. Everyone (my parents, sister, Charlie, Breydon and Michael and me) drove up to Ft. Wayne, and ate a dinner at Texas Roadhouse (That ALWAYS cheers me up!). And then I checked into Dupont and got settled. I dont remember the exact time that things happened, but they gave me medicine to help thin me out and dialate me more. It was supposed to be given 3 times, 4 hours apart. They gave me the first one, but I ended up not needing the other 2, because that was enough to send me into active labor (I was already contracting regularly when we got there). I didnt even need pitocin this time, like I did with Breydon. My mom and sister kept me entertained, and kept my mind off of things.

January 17th-
Around 5:30am, they checked me and I was at a 6. I had been trying to hold off for an epidural for as long as I could possibly wait. I told the nurse that I wanted an epidural, and she checked me again, and I was at a 10. In a matter of about 45 min, I had dilated the rest of the way. Then it was time to push... I was in SOOO much pain, but as soon as I could push it felt better. After about 5 minutes of pushing she was here! She weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces and was 18 3/4 inches long. She was breathing really well, so they let me hold her for a little while and then they took her away and up to the NICU. She was in the NICU 3 for about 3 days, and then they moved ehr down to NICU where she stayed until she was able to come home, at 9 days old. She needed far less assistance than Breydon did, and was a very very good little thing.

And thats pretty much it!
I think we are done with babies... too scary. And I want to be here for Breydon and Alison. My body just cannot handle being pregnant again. I love being pregnant, and I love babies, but I am soooo lucky to have the two sweetest little things, that are HEALTHY despite their beginnings. I couldnt ask for anything more.

1 comment:

  1. I can't BELIEVE how fast your labor and delivery went! Just crazy!!
