Monday, April 25, 2011

My little man has FINALLY decided that he's going to roll. He did it once on Thursday, but he didn't do it again so I thought that maybe it was just a fluke. But on Friday, he was off!! Rolling clear accross the room, scooting around getting into everything. I love it! Its so cool to see him decide what eh wants, and then be able to get there. It makes me soooooo proud to see him learning new things. He'll be crawling in no time... he's already trying to figure it out.

Easter was really fun. I remember last Easter, I was showing my family a video of my 11 weeks gestation, non-gendered, unborn child in 3-D/4-D. This Easter, that tiny 11 weeks gestation, non-gendered, unborn child was 8 months old, and rolling all around the floor. :) He didn't really understand the concept of Easter baskets, but he still got 3 of them. We would set them in front of him, and he would get excited... but he would get one thing out and not realize that there was anything else in there. He's already watched his Easter Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD about 58795875 times. Its a hit.

Mr. Breydon has asthma... I dont know if Ive mentioned that or not. But anyway, he has a nebulizer and some medication that helps. Sometimes he sleeps through them... sometimes he screams like he's being murdered. It just depends on his mood I suppose. But they REALLY help, so Im thankful that we have something to help. When we got to the doctor last week, he was having so much trouble breathing that his blood oxygen levels were only at 82%. If he was in the NICU, the alarms would have been all going off. Anyway, it was 93% when we left so all was good.

I have an appointment with Dr. Howard at the Womens Center on Wednesday. I guess Im going to figure out if Im healthy enough to have another baby anytime soon. At my 6 week check up I wasnt cleared since my BP was still elevated. Im still taking medication to help it, but we were wanting our kids to be 2 years apart. Which would mean that I really need to get things figured out within the next few months. So Dr. Howard said that we could make a sort of "plan of action" for next time, and maybe come up with some things to do differntly to help prevent problems. Ill most likely be driving to Ft. Wayne for all my appointments with baby #2 just because thats where the specialist is. I dont mind, because Dr. Wheeler got Mr. Breydon here safe and soundly. So I trust him. :)

Thats about all I can think of...
More later!

1 comment:

  1. Babies are so funny. They just decide to do what they want when they want, and it almost always all happens at once. Good job Brey!
    Good luck at your appointment! I hope you're healthy so you can get to some serious baby makin'!
